Friday, May 1, 2009

Stylin' in Alligator Point!

When my friend Mariterese called and told me she had purchased a home in "Alligator Point", I had to google it just to see where it was! Located on Florida's "Forgotten Coast", this picturesque beach is surrounded by towns with names like Sopchoppy and Appalachacola - pretty laid back place. Not much to do but watch fish jump out of the water, bald eagles soaring ahead, and pick up the most awesome shells on the beach!
Now to the most important part of this post - DECORATING the PLACE! This home has walls of vintage pecky cypress - another new thing for me. So incorporating that into our decorating scheme was tricky. So in "PURE MARITERESE STYLE", we began to mix together a not so traditional beach pad! Mix together a little Louis IV gilded, mid century industrial, a bit of cottage ticking, a touch of Asian, a lot of burlap and taffeta, and VOILA - a beach cottage! And of course, we had to have the largest french tear drop crystal chandaliers we could find! No beach house is complete without one! This decorating mix should have a name - how about SopChoppy?

The pictures show the fun mix of a concrete dining table with Louis IV dining chairs and a quirky "vintage "wine chest. Note the bedroom in the back with the sumptous Bella Notte linens on the awesome bed, flanked by the asian nite stands. More about Alligator Point later on our next post!