Saturday, December 29, 2018

Christmas Inspiration 2018 brings Memories from the Past

This was the first Christmas in years that I didn't feel pressured to get everything done.  So I slowly took my time and truly didn't get very much done- I think I need a bit of  pressure!

 So here's a look at Christmas 2018 at Ritz on da Rivah!

 An early snow finally got me going- the Christmas spirit was in the air.

Time to get the outside decorated with a  natural theme to match the snowy woods.

Natural greens and berries from the farmer's market.

Handmade rustic wreath on our rustic front door.

First up goes the tree-

 filled with ornaments collected throughout the years.

Next, the addition of the gray velvet and rhinestone bows- a new ribbon this year from
D. Steven's exquisite ribbon collection.

Add some tartan to dress things down a bit- after all we are in the mountains.

Amaryllis and magnolias create the arrangement in the large antique urn.

Fill the large clam shell with greens and sparkly velvet pumpkins.

 Place the special handmade angel on the center table.

Another special Santa from a trip to Kansas City with my girlfriends.

Frosted kale in zinc cherub urn.

Gift boxes under the tree.

 A nativity from Dept. 56- known for their collectible snow houses in the 80's and 90's.

Santos doll and white amaryllis on the console.

handmade stockings ready to be filled.

Festive and bright, a bit of crystal and glitter, a bit of feathers and tartan, 
and ready for watching the Christmas Hallmark movies!

Dining hall is decorated and ready for dining-

Handmade Santa elves sit on frosted logs amidst berries and thistles.

Stockings made from old tartan throws and fur collars and cuffs.

Vintage Dee Gann Santas are placed to enjoy in the kitchen. 

Reindeers from Sherri's Designs add festive glitter to the dining table.

Christmas eve table is set and waiting for guests.

Prep kitchen is ready for active duty- 

Etched cloche displays foodie ornaments and vintage oven mitts from the 50's.

And one of my all time favorite gifts from a dear friend- the Merry Christmas cup is out to enjoy.

I spent  a lot of time this year to edit my Christmas decorations and only keep the ones with dear memories.  I have been fortunate to have wonderful friends that share the Christmas décor bug with me and together we have traveled to many wonderful places to hunt and gather Christmas things.
All of these memories make me happy and I feel nostalgic as I pull each thing out of the box and place it in our new home. I remember where it came from and who was with me.

I didn't get through all of my Christmas boxes this year- so maybe next year I'll complete the task. But there is no rush here in the mountains!!!!!!   

Post Script

Thought I would end this year with a few pictures from the home's of my talented friends!
It seems everyone was in the mood for tartan this year!

My friend Jill's mantel in the kitchen- yep- we both bought similar stockings from a wonderful artist at Kimball and Bean year's back!   memories!

Christmas dessert at Jill's house

Jill's Santa collections in her new antique cabinet in the living room.

Pretty flocked tree with red and gold- so festive.

Love the icy pomegranates with the moss balls.

My friend Lynda's tartan Christmas table in her Atlanta home!  Loving this mix of silver goblets with the tartan cloth.

Merry Christmas 2018!.    


  1. Thank you so much for the wonderful post.

  2. Your posts always give me a great deal of pleasure. Thank you.

  3. I’d love to be around when you got rid of the Christmas things
    you are tired of. Beautiful Christmas !!!

  4. So beautiful---everything. Some could say with that view you don't need much inside but what a shame that would be with all your lovely keepsakes. The Nativity is unique and very unlike most of Dept.56 Christmas items. I had a retail storefront shop and purchased alot from them but it wasn't as lovely as that. I did not carry their village pieces because too many other shops did. Love the gray velvet bows on the tree--perfect. Also love the tartan....great choice. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  5. Happy Holidays Susan, I'm so glad you had a wonderful peaceful Christmas. Anxiously waiting your post, I was worried something was wrong but you gave us another Christmas decorating post to drool over! Love that you took your time editing, something I have to work on now that my husband retired just this week! Loved looking at your designs and scenic beauty. Happy New Year!

  6. Your table set for Christmas Eve was gorgeous. How I wish I was one of the guests. Loved, loved the ribbons on the tree....beautiful.

  7. Loved everything that you created! I must say.... very inspiring!!!! Wondering where you found your beautiful console table? Looks Black but maybe cherry wood? Hope you have a moment...ha ha...... who has moments? I'll keep my fingers crossed! :)
    Many Blessing for 2019! ~ Lucinda Payne

  8. Beautiful like always! Happy New Year!


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