Thursday, August 9, 2012

Menu Boards for your Home!

Laurell created this  Menu board on mirror  for a client's home.

Menu board on the mirror behind the sink in the store's kitchen.
Menu boards aren't just for restaurants.  They add a bistro feel to your kitchen and make you feel as though you are dining in a great French restrarant. One of my favorite things that I purchased from Joy on Saturday night was the menu board in the old frame.  I have been looking for the perfect thing for behind my stove and I think I found it! It's the perfect color, size and vibe that I needed.  Joy is making more of these for the store, so we will have them for sale within the next month.  All will be unique as she uses vintage frames for each one.   For a client's  kitchen remodel, Laurell ( a Romancing the Home girl) created a French menu on the reverse side of  mirror and we installed it over a serving buffet with French sconces. It is so pretty and elegant.  She also created one for the kitchen in the store  Laurell can create these mirrors with any words that one desires and in any size.  I get excited when we can offer items that are unique and handcrafted - they give your home it's own distinctive style.  


  1. Ohh... it is sophisticated and wonderful at the same time!!!! Congratulations from Spain. xxx

  2. Those menu boards are gorgeous. I especially love the mirror. Have a beautiful day.

  3. I have a menu board from Joy that is so, so pretty. I absolutely love it, and you are right, it adds so much bistro feel to my kitchen.

  4. I loved your post and want a menu board for my kitchen!! Thanks for the inspiration, Lisa

  5. This stuffs looks lovely and for me it is a precious treasure. I juts love your blog and my pleasure to visit this. Thank you.


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