Romancing the Home customers have always been fond of little vignettes under glass. Selling everything from large cloches, terrariums and now dessert cloches, customers can create their own miniature world under glass. However dessert cloches have become very popular with our foodies. A set of 4 sweet little dessert cloches are etched with divine, decadent, delicious and delightful. Tall venetian style cloches work perfectly for a tall stack of freshly baked cookies! We even have rectangular cloches for loaves of breads- and the list continues to grow. One of my favorite cloches was found on a trip while visiting my friend Marlene in Cookville, Tennessee. She took us to one of her favorite lunch spots and the restaurant owners presented savory treats under large cloches, which they had lettered themselves with First course and 2nd course. It was definitely an idea to steel! Be sure to visit http://www.astrollthrulife.blogspot.com/ for more cloching ideas.
While I adore all of your cloches, the thin one with stacked cookies was totally different than any I've seen thus far. Lovely post!
What great displays showing off these cloches! I love the thin one with the cookies ~ what a great idea instead of a cookie jar!
They are all so pretty. The cookie one would not last long at my house when the grandkids are over HA! HA!
I love the 1st and 2nd course cloches...I'm putting on my black mask and stealing that one for sure. Love these pics and beautiful cloches Susan. I've never visited before, so I think I'll go back and go through some of your older posts to get to know you better. Come visit me anytime.
OMG! How beautiful your cloches are! The tall ones are great, I need to go out and get a couple! The thin one with the stocked cookies is an amazing cloche, just gorgeous!
Please come ver and check mine out!
Oh my how unique and beautiful. ~~Sherry~~
These are beautiful, love the stacked cookies.
Now these are all so unique and so creative. I am totally impressed. I can't even imagine how in the world you thought of all this. Love it. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty
I just was reading Real SImple and they featured cloches and their increasing popularity. Leave it to you to be on top/ahead of trends!
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