Katha's Stash- an old cigarette set, hand blown glasses, pastry server and candy jar.
The old cigarette set has 2 glass urns and 6 small plates, perfect for an amuse bouche.
A set of 12 Meissen salad plates- unbelievably beautiful with gilt edge.
Yesterday, Katha and I spent the day antiquing in one of our favorite spots and found some awesome things. Our mission was to find small vessels that would be perfect for serving small bites or popularly called " amuse bouche". We were searching for small glasses and plates that would showcase a beautiful one bite appetiser, as we are having a store party next weekend and all the girls are bringing one savory and one sweet bite to share. While we did find some amazing vessels for this purpose, we also found many great things. It was a wonderful day, full of surprises, great conversation and great finds. Katha found a cool floor lamp and bamboo bar for her new den and I hope to share pictures with you in the near future. We got home, unwrapped our treasures and re-lived the moment of finding them. Sorting them into three piles, Katha's, mine and the stores, we realized which pile was the biggest. Better get more into the store's!
All the pictures of our treasures are beautiful.. How lucky were we to find such lovelies?! It was so much fun and the store is going to look even more awesome with all the new finds.
you found all this TODAY???
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